Happiness is a problem
Happiness is a serious problem. We don't realise that life itself is a form of suffering. The rich suffer from his richness, poor from his poverty, people who pursue worldly pleasure suffer because of their worldly pleasures. This doesn't mean all suffering is the same. Some suffering is more painful than others. But we all suffer.
Happiness is not a solvable equation. Dissatisfaction and unease are an inherent part of human nature . We suffer for the simple reason that suffering is biologically useful. It is meant for a massive change. We are wired to become dissatisfied with whatever we have.
Pain in all forms, is our body's most effective means of taking action. Pain is what teaches us what to pay attention to when you are careless. It shows us what is good for us and what is bad for us. It helps to understand our limits. It's not always beneficial to avoid pain and seek pleasure. But pain is not only physical, but we humans experience psychological pain as well. Psychological pain is an indication that something is out of balance. And it is not necessarily always bad like physical pain. In some cases experiencing psychological and emotional pain can be healthy. Emotional pain of failure teaches us how to avoid making the same mistake in future.
In life problems don't end. Problems don't go away, they just improve. So don't hope for a life without problems. Instead hope for a life full of good problems.
Solving problems
Denial : some people just go in denial mode that their problem doesn't exist. And because they reject reality they themselves get distracted by reality. This may make them feel good in short term but it leads to misery.
But why do people do this? Simply because it makes them feel good and is easy. Whereas solving problems is hard and feels bad.
Read more about emotions
Everyone wants to enjoy what feels good, live an easy life everybody wants. But we never ask what pain do we want in life? What are we willing to give up everything for? Whether you are in the worst conditions, suffering from anxiety, depression, loneliness the solution lies in the acceptance. Accept the way it is .
“You get up”
“You don't want to Run You Go Run”
“You Don't Wanna Go Swim You Go Swim”
“You Don't Wanna Make Your Bed You Make Your Bed”
“Do Something that sucks Every Single Day Of Your Life”
“That Is How YOU GROW”___David Goggins